Monday, October 10, 2016

October Fundraising Update

Y'all!! We are a tenth of the way to our puzzle fundraiser and 40% of the way to our LARGE fundraising goal that is due when we accept our child's referral!!
Watching as SO MANY people step up and donate to help bring our sweet love bug home is so incredibly humbling. God has proven Himself as our Great Provider!

If you would like to sponsor a puzzle piece, click here to get the rundown on how it works.

God has been teaching me SO much through this process of adoption. Here are two things that have stuck out recently:
1."Just us what you have, do the best you can, and trust him to fill in the gaps. In other words, our scarcity + tenacious faith in Jesus really will = more than enough." - Lisa Harper
2. "There are cowards, there are regular people, there are heros, and then there are parents. Parents are not really on the spectrum from cowardice to courage because if your child is in jeopardy, you simply do what it takes to save them." - Tim Keller / If we are pursuing our child so fervently, HOW MUCH MORE does God pursue us?!

Also, we are chugging away on our homestudy that will hopefully be done by December!! SO MUCH paperwork and so little time, but I am praying that God will not only provide the money needed to bring our sweet babe home, but for the time we need to complete the paperwork, doctor appointments, homestudy meetings, etc.! (Please pray along with us!!)

Another reminder, I am taking custom orders for fall and Christmas decor!! You can take a look on Etsy or a few of the custom orders I have done over on Facebook. I love watching God turn a hobby I love to do (and talent HE gave me) into a way for us to bring the newest Smith home!!

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