*We are also including the approximate costs for each step, as to be be open and transparent with our friends and family. And because one of the most asked questions is "why does it cost so much?!"
6/13/16 - Application Submitted
($300 due at time of applying)
Adoption Homestudy
($2,500-$2,900 due before the first home visit)
- A homestudy is required by law. A social worker visits our home and will interview each of us, and make an overall assessment of the life, home, environment our adopted child will be entering into.
- This takes around 2-4 months to complete.
(U.S. Processing Fee $3,500 due after Holt approves your homestudy)
- The cost for our adoption agency to handle all of the paperwork on the U.S. side.
Assigned to our Child
(Adoption Program Fee $22,500 due when you accept the assignment of a child)
- It usually takes about 4 months after our homestudy is completed to get assigned to a child
- We will receive a photo along with a description and medical overview of the child. We should have a couple of days to decide if we feel capable of caring for said child.
- The adoption program fee helps cover the cost to facilitate the adoption in South Korea and the needs for our little one prior to bringing them home (food clothing, shelter, etc.).
(Post-Placement Fee $1200-$2800 due when you accept the assignment of a child and before travel scheduling begins)
- This fee pays for the meetings and reports done after we bring home the newest Smith.
Travel to South Korea - 2 weeklong trips with about a month in between
($8,000-$15,000 due at time of booking travel - flights, hotels, food, etc.)
(Korea Travel Fee $800 due when you accept the assignment of a child - covers transportation while in South Korea)
- It could take around 9 months to receive "our call" after receiving our assignment.
- We will receive a call a couple of weeks before we can book our first trip, with word that we can go meet our child!
- The first trip will consist of a lot of legal stuff, but is also when we can first meet our little one! They will be in a foster home and this trip will give us an opportunity to ask questions of their foster parents and observe how they interact.
- We will then have to go home for about a month before we receive our second call to go get our baby!!
Adoption Finalization
($25-$1,500 due when we re-finalize the adoption in Tennessee)
*Please feel free to ask any questions you might have! We love talking about this amazing journey and God's heart for adoption.