Saturday, May 14, 2016

Crying out to God for wisdom

First of all, we are still between South Korea and Thailand. But with that said, God is answering in big ways. We have just started this journey and already I can see how The Lord is using it to stretch us, try us, comfort us, and show His huge love for us. 

Todd and I have been praying together for guidance, wisdom, and direction. We are asking that God reveals which adoption agency and country to pursue and we don't want to move without Him, so we are waiting with open ears.

We started our first fundraiser (yay!) and man does that make everything seem really real!! We are selling t-shirts through a company called Fund The Nations. I love how they explain this type of fundraiser: "Everyone wears t-shirts. People want to support your cause and this gives them something in return. A t-shirt gives them a reminder to pray for you!"

Mother's Day was last weekend and Todd did an amazing job spoiling me. :) We had a perfect day as just the 3 of us. He got M up, got her dressed, took her to the store, and fed her breakfast (all before I woke up). Then we spent the morning at the farmer's market and ate lunch in the shade while Madilynn crawled around in the grass waving at everyone who walked by. We cleaned my car, while she napped and that evening, all of the guys cooked dinner and watched the kids, while the women relaxed at small group. Again, it was a perfect day!! This Mother's Day really felt real, since last year I only had a 6 day old and she slept non-stop, so this year I guess I really earned it! ;)  While I wouldn't have changed a second of the day, a small part of me couldn't help but think about what next year will look like? Will we be going through the home study process? Will we be matched already? Will we be in a period of waiting again? Wherever we are, I pray that God is receiving all of the glory!!